Have the reactions to the recent “virus” scare seemed surreal and overblown?
Does it feel like there is something else going on?
I’ve been feeling that the whole COVID thing is actually NOT what it appears to be. That there is something way bigger than a virus going on.
What if the reaction to the virus is an unconscious response to something bigger? …something very unusual.
I’ve been leading a team of aware researchers who are looking to unravel the mysteries of this reality and remove the matrix from this planet. We recently had a breakthrough on a lot of really cool topics…
One of those topics is an untangling and new understanding of the multi-dimensionality of this planet and all it’s other expressions and facets.
What if there is more than just one “Earth” planet?
What if there are actually MANY of them?
Let me get to my point…
What if the planet has been traveling or jumping dimensions recently?
What if the planet has been altering its position to focus in a different expression?
To focus in an expression that is less passive and more dynamic. What we would consider an up-leveled state.
Check it:
==> Truth, How much is the planet in the same dimensional location it’s been for years? How much is it in a different location?
How much is the planet changing its dimensional reference?
I feel that the planet is refocusing itself to a new multi-dimensional location that will ultimately allow things to change more dramatically to a more positive reality.
Like we are moving away from the external radiance of corruption and moving into a different alignment that will make it more difficult for the matrix reality to influence this version of the planet to the degree that it has.
What is everything that YOU know about the planet’s traveling that you can now use to your local advantage?
The sense I have is that we are going to do a succession of 2-3 jumps that will relocate the planet (multi-dimensionally) and ultimately be landing early July 2020.
[edit: we landed jump 1 approx: April 25, and will likely jump again mid-late June]
It’s not the kind of thing that you’ll immediately see evidence for in our (illusionary) night sky. But rather you’ll FEEL, like the planet will be in a new neighborhood, one that is ultiately further from the matrix of corruption and closer to a more sustainable and empowered reality.
[our landing after jump 1, the location feels more dense, a little older?, with access to more of Body & Planet frequencies.]
This can potentially have dramatic repercussions on reducing the corruption and interference we perceive in our reality, both energetically and physically.
I get the sense that the extended period of isolation that the population has been forced into is going to deepen awareness for most people on this planet and ripple out across connected parallel realities.
I suggest that you keep your focus on a future that you KNOW is possible (and desired) rather than the overlay of distraction and fear that the outgoing matrix wants you to focus on.
What if there is SOOO much more going on with the planet? Things that can’t be seen? (yet)
How can you use your awareness and sense of perception to tune into a more empowering reality?
What if all the clearing you’ve been doing,
has ALSO been creating change for the Planet as a whole?
What else can we do to assist?
What if who you really are is a co-creator and a trusted advisor to the planet?
If you have doubts, go watch our recent video:
How can you coach or facilitate the planet so you and your body can have an easier & more enjoyable experience here?
-Jaden Fox, April 17, 2020, Apr 30,