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Releasing The Need To Be Right
Releasing The Need To Be Right
(Potency Series audio + PDF’s)
Have you struggled with clearing a sense of needing to be right?
Are you ready to release the paradigm?
In this program, Jaden reveals some key viewpoints and tools for understanding and dismantling the righteousness paradigm from your reality. A look behind the scenes of this reality to see where this pattern comes from.
SKU: 00017 -
Architects of LiMitation – Masters Series
Architects of LiMitation
Masters Series – Session with Jaden Fox
Truth, Are YOU an “Architect of Limitation?”
There are many people who are waking up to their “infinite being” self… who happen to have been and done some interesting things in other lifetimes. Such as being a designer of limitation in this Earth Reality matrix. Are you one of them?
If you are… it means you can also deconstruct what is currently holding Earth back!
It also means you are likely locking your own life down in that area of former mastery.
In this potent 45min session Jaden walks a person who has been a “Master Architect of Limitation“ through understanding and getting in touch with the larger aspect of his infinite self.
-How to see what a gift and benefit this role was (how you were sought after for it)
-Clearing the agreements and SHICUUUU that hide these gifts
-Clearing what binds us in the catch-22 of continuously creating limitation
-Recognizing that if you created it, you are uniquely suited to deconstruct it
-Empowering yourself to own and rescind & transcend the old paradigmSKU: 00014