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Detangling Walk-In Transitions – Facilitators Program

(1 customer review)

If you work with aware clients, some of their most perplexing and complex issues all come from ONE source: incomplete walk-in transitions!  This program will guide you to being 100% successful in clearing these!

You get:

+ 6 videos that guide you step-by-step through the process of clearing 

+ 6 videos support you to be a potent and successful facilitator!

+ 87 page ebook with detailed explanations of the process

+ 60 page facilitator’s ebook with cheat-sheets, charts & step-by-step instructions to use during client sessions

+ direct access to Jaden to get your personal questions answered

+ ongoing email support with Jaden… coaching you through any future tough walk-in clients

Everything you need to be completely successful!

 Looking for a more simple program?   
Check out the standard Walk-in Program

$500.00 $700.00

Pay in Full   Pay with Payment Plan


This program is in-depth training for spiritual/consciousness Healers & Facilitators who are looking to be more effective in assisting their aware clients in exiting the complexities and mind-fuck that comes from having an incomplete walk-in transition.

About 65-70% of aware beings have undergone some form of walk-in transition.

More than half of those who have experienced a walk-in may have unresolved complications that are locking their life down and preventing them from finding themselves, their purpose and from creating effectively.


This program will guide you to the step-by-step solutions required to untangle your clients from these complexities!


This program gives you the entire course I use to help people to Detangle Walk-ins in themselvesPLUS  you get all the resources you need to be able to do this effectively with your own clients!


About Jaden:

I’m a walk-in who is the 6th occupant of this Body that had a very tangled and difficult past.  There were multiple trapped occupants and all manner of interference that bound both demons and alien energies into the Body with me.  It made my life a confusing and tangled nightmare that took me over a decade to untangle.

After I untangled my walk-in issues people from all corners of the planet started to seek me out to guide them in resolving their issues as well.  Over time I became the ‘go-to’ person for untangling walk-in complications, despite my desire to do other more complex things.   

Yet, resolving walk-in issues remains a pressing need to this day.  So this program is to train other facilitators in doing this work so I can be free to explore and untangle even more complex issues that face awareness/consciousness seekers.


If you work with aware clients, some of their most perplexing and complex issues all come from ONE source – incomplete walk-in transitions.

Unfortunately, this is VERY common in the spiritual community!

If the walk-in process goes well, it’s confusing and sometimes dramatic, but resolves itself cleanly over time.

But increasingly, interference has found ways to sabotage these transitions trapping previous occupants in the body or embedding their own agents in the process.


Having multiple occupants/spirits in the same body is debilitating:


Symptoms of having other occupants in your Body with you:

– Voices in your head (or a committee)*

– Difficulty thinking clearly (brain fog)*

– Not being able to make decisions/choose/create*

– General sense of confusion about your life*

– Not having direction in your life*

– You can’t figure out what is real or true for you*

– Memory is blurry (not sure what is real or imagined)*

    *Also a symptom of having Entities in your body

Feelings of wanting to die or “be done here”

One day eager new life, next day wanting out

– Retelling your life “story” with no emotions

– Feeling trapped in a void/nothingness

– Feeling disconnected from family & friends

– Trying to “figure out” your life and why things were the way they were

– Depression, life is flat*



The dominant indicator of having previous occupants is:

– Feeling good one day, and wanting to die or be gone the next day.
(as the body takes turns giving each occupant time upfront)


About 40% of awareness seekers seem to have one or more occupants or baggage from previous occupants trapped in their body with them causing all kinds of strange issues that are hard to resolve by normal means.



A smaller group, about 20%, have experienced a deeper form of interference called a “slam-in” or “shove-in.”

During their walk-in transition, an exploiter energy (demon or alien) inserted one of their agents along with a fake occupant.   Causing hidden agents of interference to become inculcated (trapped) into the body.


While these are more rare, they are completely debilitating in many ways that leave the person unable to create or have a normal life.

The main indicators of having had a “slam-in” or “shove-in” are:

– having demons or aliens in your body that don’t seem to clear by any means

– having to fight to get into their Body and keeps getting kicked out of their Body

– interference has a high degree of control over the person’s life


H i n t  ! !

All the above issues are SO common in aware beings

that I check for this FIRST with any new clients.


This one step has dramatically increased my success rate and how quickly I get get a person back to being in charge of their life again.

If you are finding that your success rate with clients is not as good as you would like, check for walk-in complications FIRST.



Resolving walk-in issues makes everything else you do with your client more powerful and less frustrating.


If you have clients that don’t seem to change no matter what you do… look for walk-in complications.  90%+ of the time this resolves all the big and confusing stuff!


Walk-ins seem to be at the core of the
MOST complex issues that aware people have!


What’s Included in this program…

This program is designed to give you all the tools, tricks and information you require to be 100% successful with resolving walk-in complications in your clients.



Here’s what you get:


–  6 Videos that guide you step-by-step through clearing walk-in complications:

* Video 1:

Jaden guides you through all the steps for releasing the first Walk-in Occupant




 * Video 2: 

-Learning to see clearly how trick agreements and fake benefits are used to trap and bind human’s into limitation
-How to recognize and release the tricks that bind occupants and exploiters into the body
-Clearing additional occupants and the tricks that bound them
-How to clear/banish demons, devils, incubus, succubus (the fun way 😉
-How to see the truth behind what angels and gods really are


* Video 3:

-What if the Planet & the Universe can ALSO be holding on to your occupants & baggage?  Going into more subtle stuff especially for aware folks who work with the Planet & Universe.
-What if the Planet & Universe are not as aware as you are? A look at the 3 levels of holding Body/Being, Planet & Universe.
-Clearing Occupants and Baggage held by Planet & Universe
Also a deeper look at what really binds Slam/Shove-in energies into your body and how to release these Exploiters without needing to wrestle with them 🙂
-Clearing Aliens and off-world Creatures


 * Video 4:

What would it be like if we could clear ALL occupants & baggage from Body & Being… as well as from Planet & Universe AT THE SAME TIME? That was today’s play! How BIG can we go? I’ve come to understand that in order for many of us to feel fully clear, we will need to coach the Planet & Universe to learn how to clear as well.
How can we facilitate all the versions of the Planet (12) & Universe (7+) to become MORE aware so they release their holdings too!
This program is a thorough introduction and 1 run through of clearing all occupants, baggage and exploiters.


 * Video 5:

-How Clear is clear enough?
-Getting Plugged in
-Turning on the switches -clearing agreements-
-Can occupants return?
-Occupying & Owning YOUR Body
-Get to know YOUR new Body


 * Video 6:

Jaden guides the group through things that are helpful to Get clear and Stay clear!
-Expand & Clear Stay clear: recognizing the symptoms for when Fractures collapse in on you (use the resolving fractures process- see link below)
And learning two advanced ways of clearing agreements:
-Releasing Tangled Agreements (things that feel “hopeless”)
-Releasing Secured Agreements (things that feel “impossible” to clear)


–  6 Videos that support you to be a potent and successful facilitator:

* Facilitators Only – video 1:

– You can be saving people’s lives!
– How to get certified
– Jaden’s “Tricks” to being a Powerful Facilitator
    – Be Real & Be YOU!
    – Becoming Confident
    – Having FUN!
    – Never put yourself down
    – All resistance is interference- not your client
– Practicing your Heavier & Lighter


* Facilitators Only – video 2a+b:

Part A – Complex Occupant untangling (example)… in this part of the call we go through one occupant in very fine detail to make sense of how and why the Planet & Universe are holding and explore new techniques for releasing them.


Part B – Facilitation issues
– When can’t clear
– What to do when your answers don’t match the clients (and you think you’re wrong…)
Clearing Interference…
– Totally blank while facilitating, couldn’t think or contribute, feel like quitting
– When you to get confused, give up…
– Having an occupant that wants to die
– Question to discover authentic occupant


* Facilitators Only – video 3:

Being Unshakeable
Tricks for navigating the most challenging parts of facilitating & remaining confident and unshakeable!



* Facilitators Only – video 4:

Being a Successful Facilitator
– Facilitator’s #1 enemy=
“I don’t know, I’m not sure, I can’t tell.”

– Dealing with challenging clients 
– Dealing with clients who claim to be previous occupants
Rule: Most Recent Occupant in is the owner (House)
– Is it useful to start with expanding for clients?
– How to handle sessions/payments?
-What to do in the first session?
clear them of occupants locally in the first session, second/third session for planet/uni clearing


* Sample Walk-in Facilitation client session:

Here is an entire client session, beginning to end (uncut) to give you a feel for what a real session would sound like.

This is also a good example of a “tough case”, in the beginning, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to work with her, but I was able to change things.   A profound session on many levels! 



– An (87 page) ebook with explanations and processes to help you understand what has occurred and how to make sure it’s gone



– a separate (60 page) facilitator’s ebook with cheat-sheets, charts step-by-step instructions to use during client sessions to ensure success




– Direct email access to Jaden to get all your (personal) walk-in questions answered



ongoing email support with Jaden…
  coaching you through those tough walk-in clients
If you have questions about challenging walk-in clients in the years to come, you can contact me with details and I’ll get back to you with suggestions and solutions.  I’m committed to making sure you are successful with freeing your clients from these issues!


– free updates on materials as new information or solutions are gathered.




and… You get the right to use this program with your clients with no additional fees or royalties! Here are the details



Everything you need to be SUCCESSFUL
at clearing this issue from your clients!




Do you want a more simple/cheaper program? 
don’t need to facilitate others?

Check out the standard Walk-in program 

Based on 1 review

5.0 overall

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  1. Sheen

    Jaden’s courses are always thrilling for those of us who like to journey into depths unknown or forgotten. He is an investigator beyond compare and his awareness around a multitude of topics always keeps the journey fascinating. The course on walk-ins created more freedom and peace in my life than any of the many workshops I’ve taken from other consciousness facilitators. If you have been challenged with unpleasant creations and spiraling and chaotic thoughts, I feel this is one of the best investments for clarity and empowerment.


