Finding a Certified Walk-in Facilitator:
Many aware folks are a walk-in.
For some this process goes smoothly, for others, the process gets tangled- causing mild to severe complications that can make life difficult or even traumatic.
Confusion over who you are, inability to make decisions, having voices in your head, feelings of wanting to die, or being hard to be in your body- are all common indicators of incomplete walk-in transitions.
These are caused by having multiple past occupants (spirits) in your body with you.
There should only be YOU and your Body, that’s it.
Anything more and life gets extremely challenging.
Detangling the past walk-in experiences by releasing the previous occupants that chose to exit the body, which creates clarity, space and ease for you and your body.
My team and I spent over a decade working with hundreds of walk-ins to make sense of how these tangles occur and how to permanently and completely resolve them.
Now, in one or two sessions we can guide aware folks to completely untangle their past transitions and re-connect them to their clarity and unfolding life purpose!
Below is a list of certified facilitators who have been personally trained and verified by me (Jaden) to be able to successfully untangle these complex issues:
Pauline McGuire
Pauline is a Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Timeline Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Level II, Akashic Records Reader
+1(647) 284-1007 for Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal
paulinemcguire99 [at]
I had my Walk-In Clearings appointment with Jaden and my entire life changed. Suddenly my mind was quiet, the thoughts remaining were kind and loving to myself, and the judgment and limitation the fear had caused was replaced with choice and self-love. This prompted me to become a Walk-In Clearing Facilitator.
My experience also includes facilitating the release of tangled Walk-Ins of gifted children. I work with their Spiritual Guardian as a stand-in/proxy/surrogate for the clearings on behalf of the child.
I want you to know that there is freedom, choice, and a capability to play life in a big, beautiful way on the other side of this work. I am living proof.