I’ve spent almost a decade trying to comprehend and get rid of the manipulators that interfere with folks seeking to become aware (demons, creatures, aliens, devils, satans, gods… etc.)
With the help of my teams, we’ve been able to catalog their behavior, strategies and motivations in great detail.
But we’ve had difficulty grabbing the head of the organization.
To use an analogy, we could banish the ants that showed up on your kitchen counter, but couldn’t grab the queen ant who would just keep sending more and more ants into your world.
The Break-though…
The breakthrough came recently when I realized the true nature of this interference.
I had been studying some very old occult/alchemical concepts and bumped into an old disused concept called “Egregore.”
from: French égrégore (meaning ‘Spirit of a group’) &
ancient Greek ἐγρήγορος, egrēgoros ‘wakeful-watcher’
Egregore is an old occult concept representing a non-physical entity that arises from the collective thought projections of a group of people.
Where two or more are gathered with a shared focus and intent – a new energy field is created.
As more people keep adding energy and emotion to this shared focus, that energy field develops into a ‘spirit’ or entity that represents the energies, intentions and thoughts of that group.
The more people that put energy into it, the stronger this spirit/entity becomes.
With enough energy and enough definition, this spirit/entity becomes a non-physical AUTONOMOUS spirit/entity I call an “Egregore thought-form.”
The thoughts of many-many people all focused in the same direction literally create a new autonomous spirit.
This autonomous spirit is empowered by the group’s ongoing energy to go off and do whatever the group has defined this entity should be or do.
Let me put this in a worldly context to make it more clear.
Religious Egregore thought-forms…
The most powerful examples of these thought-form entities come from religion.
In millennia past, certain people began exploring with becoming more powerful and desired having power over other humans.
They realized that if they could create a diety and define what that god wanted from humans, they could use the belief in this god to control people.
What if some “god” DIDN’T create humans?
What if instead, humans created the “god”
with the lie, this god was our creator?
The power-hungry humans now had a god (in the image and likeness of man) that they could define with any characteristics or opinions they wanted it to have.
Then the power-hungry human could just say they are “listening” to this god and simply telling the people what the god wants from them.
People are more inclined to listen to some god’s commandments, than what a human tells them to do.
Over the eons, hundreds of thousands of gods were created by many different humans. Some with good intentions, some with not-so-good intentions.
Enterprising power-hungry humans eventually realized that they needed “their god” to become “THE ONE GOD” and so mono-theism was born.
Rulers now had an ideal tool. All the ruler/king had to do was to claim they were a direct descendant or embodiment of this “one god,” and what they said, was ‘gods word.’
People who were acting out, were acting “against god” and (obviously) should be punished because we don’t want to make god “mad at us all.”
As people were pushed to worship these gods, they fed more energy and belief into these egregore thought-forms, empowering these entities to actually become the thoughts that were projected at them.
Over time these mono-theistic gods were re-defined as being: all knowing, all powerful, capable of punishing you, demanding of your allegiance, and oh yea… they loved you too, but only when you behaved. :)
With more and more believers, these egregore thought-forms not only became autonomous, but they also took on the roles they were programmed with.
One of the most malicious directives these thought-forms were given, is that ALL humans NEED TO believe in this god… and that non-believers should be punished (burn in hell, etc.)
Because these gods were programmed to be all-powerful and told to basically punish all those who don’t believe in them or don’t follow their doctrine, these autonomous egregore thought-forms became empowered to go after and harass non-believers… (like you and I.)
Now we have thousands of autonomous spirit/entities who have been given TONS of energy to go police the population and punish (create a hell) for non-believers.
These thought-forms are just doing what they were programmed to do; What power-hungry humans instructed them to do.
Why are egregore allowed to mess with you?
So why do gods and their minions (demons, angels, devils, ginn…) feel they have the right to mess with you?
A. These gods were programmed with the task of making you believe in them and if you don’t, they are told to punish you and make your life a hell.
B. These power-hungry humans who created these gods, also usurped/stole some very old agreements (from before this Universe & Planet were created) to give themselves more power over other people and the Planet.
See this previous blog for more detail:
1. Ancient agreements that allow: gods, demons, devils & aliens to mess with you…
These two paradigms together have created the powerful egregore manipulators that run amuck on this planet today.
When you can comprehend these two paradigms, you have the awarenesses necessary to remove these agents of interference from your personal reality!
When you can see these egregore thought-forms for what they really are, they have less power over you.
When you learn how to clear the ancient agreements the planet maintains, these egregore thought-forms can no longer touch you!
I’ve created a program to guide you on how to identify the thought-forms that are interacting in your world, and how to permanently eliminate them from your reality.
This program is designed for advanced consciousness seekers who already know how to perceive energies & clear them.
It will guide you through learning the advanced tools of facilitating the Planet to become more aware and releasing ancient agreements.
You can read more about this advanced program in my shop:
No longer “in service to” Egregore Thought-forms
Clearing these ancient agreements with the Planet allows you to permanently remove these demons, aliens, devils, gods from your world.
They can no longer mess with you… and they don’t come back!