(artwork: “Overwhelmed” by Elena Covalciuc Vieriu)
If you’ve ever hung out in “Empath Communities” you’ll hear people describe deep suffering that they say is a natural or important part of becoming spiritual and aware.
I completely disagree.
To me, ANY pain and suffering is an indicator of interference messing with you!
And while this may be common, pain & suffering are NOT natural or necessary for awakening!
Like many aware folks, I had spent the better part of a decade struggling with being Empathic.
Feeling run over by energies, needing to avoid crowds and ‘toxic’ people became the norm, while having fun in life seemed to dwindle as things progressively became more challenging.
It wasn’t until I started to learn how to clear and realize that it was NOT normal to be overrun with sensations, that I realized this was something that I needed to CHANGE!
Over the last decade, we’ve systematically found ways to eliminate emptying overwhelm and create a more balanced life.
Today, I’m still highly intuitive and can feel great detail in other people, it’s now something that is OPTIONAL! I can turn it on and off and I do not get overwhelmed by these energies.
I’ve also trained myself to ask questions to discover and understand what it is that I’m feeling and where it’s coming from.
This allows my world to make WAY more sense and feel way better than it ever did before!
While I still am empathic, because I have control over it, it’s no longer a struggle or issue. Today it feels like a gift I have, rather than the punishment it used to feel like.
Today, I support my students to clear the issues that create empathic overwhelm and teach them tools to learn how to understand what is actually going on.
I’ve found there are 4 core components to exiting empathic overwhelm:
1 of 4 – Support the Body with several specific Amino Acids
You’ve probably heard the media talk about the ever-increasing numbers of people with depression and anxiety. It’s a global issue that impacts a large percentage of the population.
While the medical community is eager to sell pharmaceuticals that pretend to solve these problems, they often make the problem worse in the long run.
What we’ve discovered works WAY better is simply using targeted amino acids from the health food store.
The reason most doctors don’t know about “Amino Acid Therapy” is because ‘Big Pharma’ doesn’t want you to know there is a non-chemical solution to most depression & anxiety.
Simply by taking several amino acids on a regular basis, your body has the raw materials it needs to just regain access to your energy again, be able to be relaxed, calm and feeling GOOD again.
Taking specific amino acids in a special way, empaths can eliminate 70-85% of the pain and suffering they experience!
This works because you are giving your body back the amino acids the body is lacking. This allows the body to work at optimum levels again.
…or as one student said, “… with aminos, I feel like a normal person again!”
It can be a little tricky to get everything started, so I even created videos and an ebook to support people to get this working optimally.
Take this free symptomatic diagnostic and see which amino acids your body is lacking:
If you get a summary score in any area of:
1-4, aminos are probably NOT so useful
5-8, you’ll notice an improvement
9-20+, aminos will change your life big time!
4 core components to exiting empathic overwhelm:
2 of 4 – Clear any trapped previous walk-ins from your body.
Most spiritual/aware folks have come here as a walk-in, your spirit “walked in” to a mature body in more recent years, after the previous occupant chose to leave.
A change of identity(soul/essence) in an existing physical body.
A mutual agreement where different parts of the same soul or different soul
change occupancy in a body while it remains alive.
The more modern body templates have the ability to host a series of different spirits who come and explore life here. Then if they get stuck or feel they completed what they came here to learn, they leave the body for someone else to use.
This is a complex paradigm that takes a bit to wrap your head around, especially because the brain & programming has conditioned the body to pretend none of this is happening.
But statistically, it not only does happen, but happens A LOT!!!
Many aware folks have had a series (typically 6-12) of different spirits taking turns inhabiting and running your body since childhood.
The more you are willing to look at this difficult paradigm, the more your body’s history and life starts to make sense.
The problems occur when the walk-in transition doesn’t go as it should.
What should happen is the older spirit leaves the body and the newer spirit comes in and takes over. 1 in – 1 out
But what commonly occurs is that interference gets involved and tricks the incoming occupant into HOLDING ON TO the outgoing occupant.
Then that outgoing occupant can’t leave, it gets TRAPPED in the body.
It’s not uncommon for walk-ins to have 3-10 previous occupants ALL STILL IN THE BODY!
This dramatically amplifies empathic overwhelm, because each spirit is perceiving energies.
Multiply that by 3-10 other occupants and things get overwhelming really fast!
Symptoms of having past Walk-ins trapped in your body:
– Feelings of wanting to die or “be done here”
– One day eager new life, next day wanting out
– A need to keep Retelling your life “story”
– Feeling trapped in a void/nothingness
– Feeling disconnected from family & friends
– Trying to “figure out” your life and why things were the way they were
– Depression, life is flat*
– Voices in your head (or a committee)*
– Difficulty thinking clearly (brain fog)*
– Not being able to make decisions/choose/create*
– General sense of confusion about your life*
– Not having direction in your life*
– You can’t figure out what is real or true for you*
– Memory is blurry (not sure what is real or imagined)*
*Also a symptom of having Entities in your body
By crossing over those occupants who have gotten trapped, life gets WAAAY easier and more comfortable! Empathic overwhelm is typically cut by 50-80%!
4 core components to exiting empathic overwhelm:
3 of 4 – Clearing Egregores who are using you without your knowing
There are all manner of exploitive spirits on this planet…
demonics, satans, devils, she-devils, lucifers, angels, seraphim, gods, aliens, archons, light beings… etc.
Many of them PRETEND to be helpful when actually their core objective is to trick you into cooperating with them, to your disadvantage.
They are basically using you and adding stress and struggle to your life all while pretending to be helping you.
These are often the last elements responsible for creating empathic overwhelm.
I won’t go into great detail here, but if this is all new to you, you might explore this free video series:
Active/Covert: Non-physical Exploiters in Your Reality (entities, demonics, aliens, gods…)
2a- Are there Energies Interfering with YOUR Life?
2b- Invaders that Don’t Belong Here?
2c- Who or what is this Interference?
2d- Are You Secretly Being Attacked??
2e- New Solutions to Eliminating Interference- Clearing Egregores
The bottom line is that ALL these energies can be permanently cleared from your reality so they no longer have access to interacting with you!
Clearing this interference creates a tremendous amount of calm, peace and space that you may never have had your entire life!
Freedom from interference!!
4 core components to exiting empathic overwhelm:
4 of 4 – Learning how to understand and manage what you feel
The more aware you become, the more information you have access to!
If you don’t have an understanding of what those things are that you are feeling and where they are really coming from, you’ll tangle yourself up into a knot and assume it’s all yours.
I’ve come to understand that approximately 7% of what I feel actually belongs to me.
The other 93% is stuff I am picking up from others!
And because we don’t understand where that other 93% of energies come from, we assume it’s ours and make up stories to explain and thus attach to those aberrant energies.
When you can realize that you have a natural ability to time-travel and communicate with ANY energy ANYWHERE in all that is, you start to see how easy it is to pick up on energies from others, all over the place.
Just by thinking about a person or place you are immediately tapping into that space and perceiving the energies taking place there!
You are MAGICAL and POWERFUL, but if you don’t understand your abilities, then it’s easy to get confused and overwhelmed!
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The biggest gift I can give you to get started here:
By default, we assume we are the source of everything we feel, but this is mostly untrue.
Being empathic you can feel ANYTHING – ANYWHERE!!
Notice what are you paying attention to in any moment?
Odds are strong, that it’s NOT YOU that you are feeling, but some other energy from somewhere else!
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In my normal classes, we go WAY deeper into learning how to discern what is yours and what is not.
But if you just started out by flipping yours thinking to assume that most things you feel are NOT being sourced by you… you’ll be WAAAY closer to what’s true than you are now!
Handling some or all of these 4 items can COMPLETELY ELIMINATE EMPATHIC OVERWHELM!
And at the same time, you are expanding your awareness and satisfying your desire to have a greater understanding of this reality.
You do NOT need to live with empathic overwhelm!!
Here is a video interview I did for The Embodied Resilience Summit:
Jaden Fox
Jun 19, 2023