The universe talks to me… I suppose that’s not unusual, it talks to everyone. But years ago I asked it to talk LOUDLY so I couldn’t miss it. And it has, consistently through these incredible social synchronicities that I find impossible to ignore.
Movies, books, news stories, and even music videos… the universe finds clever ways to “smack me upside the head” with these incredible messages of affirmation and confirmation. “Your on the right track, keep going!” says the syncronicity so bold I commonly collapse in tears.
A couple years ago, I find that Access Consciousness® has given me enough tools to completely exit the Matrix. I see it clearly. This awareness dumps me squarely into a philosophical tangle between “fate” (fixed agreements) and “free-will.” Do I actually have the “right” to change the grand plan. To step out of my script and be something new, uniquely me… this question really locked me down. What do I do?
A movie, The Adjustment Bureau lands in my lap. The ending leaves me sobbing uncontrollably:
The Universe was blunt… the closing lines:
“Most people live life on a path we set for them. To afraid to explore any other. But once in a while, people like you come along and knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize that free-will is a gift you’ll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that’s the Chairman’s real plan. And maybe, one day, we won’t write the plan. You will.”
The Universe talks to me… pointedly.
You know when syncronicity speaks to you… it touches you deep inside.
For me it creates this immediate release of tension & lock down… I start crying.
Like I’ve just been given the unlock code.
So lately I’ve been struggling internally with clearing what’s blocking me from “getting out” and getting known. I’ve been downloading and birthing this incredible program called, “Be the Magic” for 5 months now. It’s a way to take a group through a process that activates and awakens their gifts & abilities. It’s a total game changer. The content is simple but almost mystical…
Yet, I keep hesitating. “Does anyone really want what I have to share? Am I ready? Is it time?” It feels like this is THE launching pad that get’s me into the world, BIG. Yet, I seem to wait… almost if hiding, here in my secluded house in the woods of Hawaii. Jaden Fox, with this amazing message… but not sharing it with the world.
So I’m clearing and seeking clarity about when to launch. Is it time? Is the world ready for this?
Yesterday I’m speaking with another facilitator and she quips, “What does the Fox say?” and I didn’t understand the reference. She suggested I go watch this viral video:
I must have watched it 10 times… in tears.
The universe was speaking to me again VERY LOUDLY!
Uni- decide to put my last name in it just to be clear that I got it!
Thank you Ylvis (the artists), I know you were just playing around when you made this video… but you spoke to me in a profound way!
The world IS waiting to hear what the Fox has to say.
I love how the Universe speaks to ME.
Here are two other recent examples of syncronicity that “got me”
Asking myself… am I being too weird? Should I seek to calm down and be a bit more “main stream” to connect to a broader audience? I get this:
I had also been questioning about whether being “happy” is enough… I get:
” Clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth.
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you,
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do…”
How does the Universe speak to YOU?
Ask Uni to speak to you… so loudly that it grabs you and brings you to tears!
Jaden Fox
April 12, 2014