As I’ve been working with people to clear the deeper tangles that bind them, I keep bumping into piles and piles of overlaying agreements. Many of the agreements are so crazy that no being would accept or create them like that, yet they were clearly present, active and chosen.
As I kept asking questions, entirely new scenarios started to unfold.
What if the incarnation process has been hijacked?
You know how software gives you this huge page of “legalese” text and says, “Click ACCEPT” in order for you to gain access to the program? They don’t actually expect you to read it, they just expect you to bind to the agreement by clicking “accept” because they know you want access to the program.
What if the incarnational process has been like that?
Truth, how many “incarnational agreements” do you have?
Just like in the software agreements. On the surface it all seems fairly insignificant, but do you actually know what you are agreeing to in the fine print of that agreement? Nope. Do you care? Nope. Does it bind? Yup!
So it’s like the incarnational gatekeeper has been modified to insert a “click ACCEPT to incarnate” binding agreement – signatory system. If you want to incarnate, you’ll accept those agreements, because there is the appearance that you have no choice.
It’s like the control overlay that has appeared in society and governments across the world. “Security” at airports, cameras everywhere, tracking of phone calls & emails, etc. Incrementally those systems become more controlling and more binding, often under the illusion of protection.
“The incarnational system will be safer because of this new process.” Does this sound familiar?
Everywhere you aligned & agreed, resisted & reacted or are defending for or against these control overlays, can you now destroy & uncreate it all so you can regain awareness?
What kinds of agreements get installed during your incarnation?
I’ve found clauses that:
– install auto reinstatement systems (you clear things, they auto-reinstall)
– bind, double-bind, triple-bind, quad-triple bind, previously installed agreements
– install limits on finances, wealth & prosperity
– install struggle overlays on some pre-arranged relationships
– give permission to have antagonists installed into your family circle
– clauses to change your parents & your scenario growing up (ie: adoption, etc)
When do you discover what those agreements actually are? Birth.
As you enter the life you can sense all the agreements becoming active.
Does this explain complications with the birth process?
Does this explain the dramatic increase in walk-ins? (to bypass additional agreements)
What SHICUUUU, unconsciousness, anti-consciousness & stupidity do you have that prevent you from a clear awareness the incarnational manipulations and agreements you’ve received?
Awareness on this topic is RAPIDLY expanding. And us, being the creative and resourceful beings that we be, ARE changing things…
One of my gifts is an ability to perceive and assist people in awakening to their gifts & abilities. I recently had a private client where we were looking at this person’s gifts & abilities that were “prompting.” We uncovered that she was one of the original architects of the Earth’s incarnational system. She knew it had been hijacked by other beings and was seeking to begin to consciously resolve that. She made some very interesting alterations that I didn’t understand at the time, but she had a very broad grin on her face… expect some changes in the near future… :)
What can you do?
1. Look for areas in your life that brings up the energy of HOPELESSNESS or areas where you keep clearing and it keeps “coming back.” (these are common energies associated with agreements)
ask: Truth, how many “incarnational agreements” or “re-instatement clauses” do I you have here?
then: All oaths, vows, commitments, comealties, fealties, swearings, agreements, bonded contracts, signatories and reinstatement clauses that hold this in place and all the SHICUUUU, anti-consciousness and stupidity required to hide them, will you now destroy & uncreate it all?
then: Rescind, revoke, recant, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy & uncreate, make null & void, times a godzillion… pod/poc… (REPEAT THIS PART 3-6 TIMES or until you get a BIG lightness)
Play with these clearings and see what space you can create!
Be the Magic that YOU are.
Because you do YOU, so well!
– Jaden :)
If you would like to find out more, I have a program in my shop you can get that goes REALLY deeply into much more and walks you through a LOT of clearing around it.
If you have things in your life that feel “Hopeless” I strongly recommend you look at this program:
Releasing Tangled Agreements 1 & 2
2 videos, 2 audios & pdf files
People have reported these videos and audios creating a lot of space, peace and awareness in their universe!