Your Viewpoint… It’s all a matter of perspective…
Many people live their life feeling like they are trapped in a mountain of sand that’s always shifting. Their viewpoint is so condensed that every grain of sand is a boulder obstructing their path. As they begin to think about “digging out” from the past they have created, the job can seem monumental and entirely overwhelming.
It’s like you’re the size of an ant, on a huge beach full of sand, miles long and someone gave you the job to clear out all the sand. Oh, and all you have is a pair of tweezers to work with.
This is what becoming conscious and aware can feel like. An impossible task. But you begin none-the-less.
So you’ve spent thousands of lifetimes creating density and descending in vibration to explore the world of form and limitation. You surrendered your viewpoint as an infinite being and creator and kept shrinking your scale to see how small and limited you could actually make yourself.
Then one day the universe sends you a message, “That’s far enough, come back home.” After getting past your disbelief and doubt that the message is actually valid, you recognize it’s time to change direction. But you’ve spent so long tunneling into limitation that you’re not exactly sure who you are, where you are or how you got here. Oops.
So now you feel buried in a beach of limitation, feeling the imposing weight of each grain of sand. Clearing that weight seems like an impossible task. Especially when you believe you are merely an ant.
“No problem can be solved
from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
-Albert Einstein
So if you have the perspective that you are an ant with tweezers, it’s a long arduous and impossible road to clear out this entire beach of all the sand. From this level of consciousness, the task is clearly impossible. You can’t get there from here. Any solutions that could achieve the task are not recognizable to you.
As an ant, the giant earth moving machines parked on the edge of the beach are unrecognizable and unattainable. Even if you did understand what they were, your point of view is too small to take any action. Even with the giant shoveling machinery within sight, poised to scoop up the sand and remove it, as an ant, the task appears impossible.
But remember who you are, an infinite being, a creator. What else is possible here?
Well, if you believe you are the viewpoint of the ant, you are limited to the scope and capacity of that level of consciousness. When you choose to zoom in your focus to magnify things, you can’t see the larger solutions. It’s not that the solutions don’t exist, it’s just that they are out of perception at the level you are focused in.
Fortunately for you, as an infinite being, you can choose any scale, scope or magnitude you desire. You can simply choose to expand your perspective. From an expanded perspective, more options become perceivable. The rules change, the limitations that came with existing at a small scale disappear.
As you expand your consciousness to the viewpoint of a potent human, you can perceive the earth moving equipment parked on the beach. With a bit of exploration you could figure out how to operate it and begin moving mountains of sand. But of course, the ocean keeps bringing in more. It again seems like an endless job, but it’s at least manageable. Your now playing at a different scale.
All the baggage and limitation you’ve generated from lifetimes of descending in vibration, seems like the task of clearing that sand. The expanded viewpoint at least makes it appear possible, but it can seem like there is an endless supply of it. And the universe keeps bringing more in with every wave.
So you recognize once again that you are in infinite being and you expand out to the size and consciousness of the planet. From this perspective, the beach is a simple task. You, as the earth simply request of the water to remove the sand from the beach. Overnight, the waves strip the beach clear of the sand. Task solved.
Yet, from this perspective you see there are a seemingly limitless number of beaches all over the planet and many of them have sand on them and the rest have rocks and gravel. Once again, the task, if you remain focused on it, seems impossible.
So as an infinite being, you expand out once again to the size of the Universe. From this perspective you recognize you no longer need to assign yourself the task of clearing baggage as grains of sand or rocks. Because the task was never really necessary or valuable. It was merely a job you gave yourself so you could recognize the truth of your infinite beingness.
From the scope and magnitude of your infinite being, resolving a problem is merely a shift of focus and perspective. To move your viewpoint to a place where problems and solutions are obsolete as you discover the perfection of what has already been created as you.
And beaches are way more fun with sand….
Jaden Fox
Feb 27, 2014
Big Island, Hawai’i