I recently had a person ask my what’s the reason I do clearing all the directions?
I’ll often have people grab:
-Everything from down below…
-Everything from back behind…
-Everything from up above…
-Everything from way out front…
-From the Left & right…
-Everything from inside & everything remaining… put in the pile
Then clear…
WHY do that?
1. For me it’s about being conscious and thorough about grabbing things where-ever they hide!
As I came to understand the sheer volume of crap that the matrix imprints into our reality, I began looking for the most efficient and thorough way of clearing as MUCH AS POSSIBLE with every clearing.
Much of the system things I’ve developed are about mapping how and where people store limitation and finding the most effective way to clear as MUCH AS POSSIBLE with every clearing.
In that spirit… here are some of the patterns I noticed related to the directions I have people clear from:
Back Behind |
things from past that were unable to attend to or look at, past data-streams, past timelines (typically a lot of density -that should not look at)
Out in Front |
things planned or threaded (implanted) into the future (typically not so much accept for futurizers)
On the Right | things you made right/correct (that often are not) |
On the Left | things you made wrong/incorrect (that often are not) |
Down Below |
the heavy/dark shit, ‘evil’ POV’s, foundational POV’s, also Earth’s stuff
(typically the MOST density people have is below them)
Up Above |
almost totally implanted stuff, what seems light but really isn’t, “false light” stuff, especially righteous/religious/god level interference
By putting your focus in these areas and LOOKING for what exists there when you clear, you are more likely to GRAB MORE and CLEAR MORE than you might normally.
And honestly, I’m geek when it comes to finding patterns in things… and by watching where people seem to deposit or locate energies it tells me more about how their life unfolded and what patterns interference used most with them.
So it gives me even MORE information to look for how to release limitation.
When you clear… look at the patterns of where things are stored… then look in the most common places first :)
2- The second reason is that it gets BODY INVOLVED!!!
If you are using your arms (as I suggest) you are teaching your body that it has permission to simply REMOVE energies from you space and not need to process or hold onto things that feel uncomfortable.
The more you do this you’ll find that your Body is increasingly participating in the process!
It’s no longer you just dragging your Body through clearings… Body is now an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in the process of clearing!
Doing this empowers your Body to start to clear funky things ON IT’S OWN without needing to wait for you to take action!! I’ll notice periodically my Body simply throwing something out… not clue what it is and don’t care.
I trust my Body because we function as a TEAM to maintain a better living environment.
This body involvement has a tendency to CLEAR BODY THINGS as well as Being things. So again, it clears MORE! Weeeeee!