Video: Are questions ALIVE?
When you ask a question, what really happens? Have you ever asked a powerful question and felt ripples go out into the universe? What is that?Video: What if aging is a choice?
We’ve been asking some very new questions about time… like: What if your Body is meant to stay active, vital and constantly regenerating…Re-claiming the good stuff…
How often has life been going along great, when something changed… almost like you were having too much fun? Or things going too well? …How Far Down The Rabbit Hole
I’ve gotten into a new topic that goes really deeply down the rabbitfox hole… It’s absolutely catapulted me into an expansion I did not expect… What if there is WAY more to your life then you are aware of? Let’s ask some unusual questions… ==> Truth, how many bodies are…
I was seeking to discover why I was stuck in this powerless interaction with entities and ET’s… (WTF?) I can be effective with physical beings, but as soon as they don’t have a physical body, it seemed like I was trapped and limited in how I could interact with them. Weird… I had struggled with…
Foxy Syncronicity
The universe talks to me… I suppose that’s not unusual, it talks to everyone. But years ago I asked it to talk LOUDLY so I couldn’t miss it. And it has, consistently through these incredible social synchronicities that I find impossible to ignore. Movies, books, news stories, and even music videos… the universe finds clever…
Click “Accept” to Incarnate
As I’ve been working with people to clear the deeper tangles that bind them, I keep bumping into piles and piles of overlaying agreements. Many of the agreements are so crazy that no being would accept or create them like that, yet they were clearly present, active and chosen. As I kept asking questions, entirely…
Of Sand and Tweezers…
Your Viewpoint… It’s all a matter of perspective… Many people live their life feeling like they are trapped in a mountain of sand that’s always shifting. Their viewpoint is so condensed that every grain of sand is a boulder obstructing their path. As they begin to think about “digging out” from the past they have…
Helper Entities/Partner Entities
We have the ability to bind other entities into our body with us. Beings who we make a lifelong commitment with. Here is the story of mine, his name was Ed.